Join A Movement Of Couples Committed To Thriving In Their Intimacy And Winning In Their Marriages No Matter What!

Discover What’s Working In Your Relationship, What Needs Improvement, And Tailored Steps For You To Thrive!
Take A Journey With Us In An Exclusive Community Of Couples Committed To Growing And Taking Their Intimacy To The Next Level!


Join A Movement Of Couples Committed To Thriving In Their Intimacy And Winning In Their Marriages No Matter What!

Discover What’s Working In Your Relationship, What Needs Improvement, And Tailored Steps For You To Thrive!
Take A Journey With Us In An Exclusive Community Of Couples Committed To Growing And Taking Their Intimacy To The Next Level!


We are John and April Nixon, and during our 20 years of marriage, we've been counseling couples of all ages and backgrounds and helping them overcome a myriad of seemingly insurmountable challenges in their marriages.

If any of the following sound familiar to you, you’re in the right place!

  •  You feel lonelyunseen, and disconnected from your partner.
  •  You’re having intimacy issues and frustration in your relationship.
  •  The stress of kids, work, church, and bills has taken priority over your marriage, and you and your spouse feel more like roommates than lovers.
  •  You are irritated by or feel anger/resentment towards your partner because of past and/or present trust issues
  •  You feel like you're in a good place in your relationship but want to take proactive steps to strengthen it, make it affair-proof, and take your intimacy to a new level.
  •  You are contemplating getting married, engaged, or newlyweds and want to set a solid foundation for a marriage that doesn’t suck!



Acceptance is recognizing your partner’s uniqueness instead of constantly trying to change them. God brought you and your partner together so that your differences can complement each other. When you attempt to change your spouse, you lose the benefit of why He led you to each other in the first place.

Roles & Responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities are the activities and tasks necessary to keep a household running efficiently. Through effective communication of agreed-upon expectations, you have the power to identify the roles and responsibilities that work for your unique partnership, even if they don’t align with traditional gender roles.

Communication & Conflict Resolution

Communication is the vehicle used in which you listen intently in order to understand and express your feelings clearly in order to be understood. Conflict Resolution is a form of communication in which the goal is for two or more individuals find a peaceful, long-term solution to a dispute. Most marriages struggle and even end because they have not mastered the skills of active listening, expressing feelings without judgement, and finding peaceful solutions to problems.

Physical Intimacy

Physical intimacy is the process of fulfilling your spouse sexually and physically without shame. It comes from the understanding that you and your spouse are indeed one flesh in marriage, and that sex within that union is a gift of God that was created in the beginning. It was not an afterthought; it was designed to be beautiful.

Discover What’s Working In Your Relationship, What Needs Improvement, And Tailored Steps For You To Thrive!
Take A Journey With Us In An Exclusive Community Of Couples Committed To Growing And Taking Their Intimacy To The Next Level!



Acceptance is recognizing your partner’s uniqueness instead of constantly trying to change them. God brought you and your partner together so that your differences can complement each other. When you attempt to change your spouse, you lose the benefit of why He led you to each other in the first place.

Roles & Responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities are the activities and tasks necessary to keep a household running efficiently. Through effective communication of agreed-upon expectations, you have the power to identify the roles and responsibilities that work for your unique partnership, even if they don’t align with traditional gender roles.

Communication & Conflict Resolution

Communication is the vehicle used in which you listen intently in order to understand and express your feelings clearly in order to be understood. Conflict Resolution is a form of communication in which the goal is for two or more individuals find a peaceful, long-term solution to a dispute. Most marriages struggle and even end because they have not mastered the skills of active listening, expressing feelings without judgement, and finding peaceful solutions to problems.

Physical Intimacy

Physical intimacy is the process of fulfilling your spouse sexually and physically without shame. It comes from the understanding that you and your spouse are indeed one flesh in marriage, and that sex within that union is a gift of God that was created in the beginning. It was not an afterthought; it was designed to be beautiful.

Discover What’s Working In Your Relationship, What Needs Improvement, And Tailored Steps For You To Thrive!
Take A Journey With Us In An Exclusive Community Of Couples Committed To Growing And Taking Their Intimacy To The Next Level!


I thought we had a great marriage.

Not perfect, but definitely one at least in the 70th, maybe even 80th percentile.

After ten years and two kids, we'd learned so much about each other, battled through issues together, and I felt that John and I were in a good place in our relationship.

And then crisis hit.

John got the dreaded news that he was diagnosed with cancer, and it changed our relationship in a way I never would have imagined.

Praise God his radiation treatment was going well, and the most natural stressor for me in this scenario - the thought of losing him to death - was slowly melting away with each passing week of positive prognosis.

Suddenly, instead of his usual sanguine, easy-going, fun-loving disposition, John was quiet, reserved, and despondent.

Instead of his normal touchy-feely personality, he was distant, barely even looking me in the eye when he spoke.

Before, he'd rub my feet every night before bed, but even that stopped, and as our intimacy plummeted, our relationship took the same trajectory.

Somehow, the aftermath of his treatment was causing him feelings of depression.

As much as I tried to connect with him, find out what was wrong, and make myself available to help work through this together like we had all of our previous issues, he had shut me out, and I couldn't get through.

I didn't know what to do.

I felt so alone and in despair. 

What was happening to our intimacy?

What was happening to our friendship?

What was happening to our relationship?

For ten years, we had successfully coached so many couples through crises worse than this.

How could this be happening to US?

Fortunately, as bad as things got in our relationship, we had always agreed on one foundational principle.

 Quitting is NEVER an option, period.

And resigning ourselves to a life of complacency and misery watching the marriage we worked so hard on turn into a cold, long-lasting cohabitation of two roommates also was NOT on the table.

So, like the scores of couples who had come to us desperate for a solution, we sought help.

We attended a marriage retreat.

We got into an environment that was a safe space, one where we had the support of qualified leaders whose goal was to help us succeed, and one where we were surrounded by other couples who had the same goals that we had - to restore and revive our relationship.

In that space, we had a long-awaited, life-changing conversation where I laid out all of my issues. 

Thankfully, he listened...and our marriage has  never been the same since!

I thought he was so far away from me that it would take ages to get him back.

Who would have thought we were only a few steps away from regaining our intimacy and resurrecting our relationship?


I thought we had a great marriage.

Not perfect, but definitely one at least in the 70th, maybe even 80th percentile.

After ten years and two kids, we'd learned so much about each other, battled through issues together, and I felt that John and I were in a good place in our relationship.

And then crisis hit.

John got the dreaded news that he was diagnosed with cancer, and it changed our relationship in a way I never would have imagined.

Praise God his radiation treatment was going well, and the most natural stressor for me in this scenario - the thought of losing him to death - was slowly melting away with each passing week of positive prognosis.

Suddenly, instead of his usual sanguine, easy-going, fun-loving disposition, John was quiet, reserved, and despondent.

Instead of his normal touchy-feely personality, he was distant, barely even looking me in the eye when he spoke.

Before, he'd rub my feet every night before bed, but even that stopped, and as our intimacy plummeted, our relationship took the same trajectory.

Somehow, the aftermath of his treatment was causing him feelings of depression.

As much as I tried to connect with him, find out what was wrong, and make myself available to help work through this together like we had all of our previous issues, he had shut me out, and I couldn't get through.

I didn't know what to do.

I felt so alone and in despair. 

What was happening to our intimacy?

What was happening to our friendship?

What was happening to our relationship?

For ten years, we had successfully coached so many couples through crises worse than this.

How could this be happening to US?

Fortunately, as bad as things got in our relationship, we had always agreed on one foundational principle.

 Quitting is NEVER an option, period.

And resigning ourselves to a life of complacency and misery watching the marriage we worked so hard on turn into a cold, long-lasting cohabitation of two roommates also was NOT on the table.

So, like the scores of couples who had come to us desperate for a solution, we sought help.

We attended a marriage retreat.

We got into an environment that was a safe space, one where we had the support of qualified leaders whose goal was to help us succeed, and one where we were surrounded by other couples who had the same goals that we had - to restore and revive our relationship.

In that space, we had a long-awaited, life-changing conversation where I laid out all of my issues. 

Thankfully, he listened...and our marriage has  never been the same since!

I thought he was so far away from me that it would take ages to get him back.

Who would have thought we were only a few steps away from regaining our intimacy and resurrecting our relationship?


Maybe you and/or your partner have long been making excuses for a less-than-satisfactory intimacy:
  •  One spouse simply has a much higher sex drive than the other.
  •  With the stress of kids, work, church, paying bills, and other obligations, this is the best we can do - it is what it is. 
  •  We've had trust/communication issues and they're not going away any time soon, so our intimacy suffers as a result.
  •  ​As Christians we're not supposed to... (insert ridiculous, non-Biblical, fake "pleasure-only sex is wrong" narrative here)

But no matter where you are in your relationship, as long as you and your spouse are willing to invest time and effort into improving your marriage, you could literally be a few steps from revitalizing your intimacy!

  •  Your marriage doesn't have to be a daily run-of-the-mill grind just because life is hard!
  •  You don't have to wait until holidays and special occasions to be intimate!
  •  You don't have to feel ashamed because your spouse doesn't respond to your advances OR because you are unable to fulfill them to the level that they desire!
  •  You don’t have to be prisoners of past problems that have sidelined your intimacy!
  •  ​You don't have to be resigned to a frustrating, mundane, and/or flatlining sex life in your marriage!




We've put together a dynamic customized assessment in which you and your spouse will (separately) answer questions about your relationship. We'll use your answers to calculate scores for each of the four pillars of Total Intimacy and give you affirmation on the areas where you are strong and practical insight on aspects that need improvement. 

By identifying potential roadblocks in your relationship, you'll ultimately be able to:

 ✓  Discover real intimacy

✓  Eliminate shame

✓  Increase sexual fulfillment

✓ ​ Learn about real foreplay

✓  ​Enjoy every sexual experience with your spouse

If you're struggling anywhere close to what we experienced, like us you need a safe space, the support of qualified leaders whose goal is to help YOU succeed, and a community where you are "surrounded" by other couples who have the same goal that you have: to restore and revive your relationship.

This is precisely what you’ll find in our 30-Day Intimacy Challenge, which has transformed the marriages of dozens of couples this year! In this self-guided program, you will:

 ✓  Vastly improve your friendship and feel amazingly reconnected with your spouse

 ✓  Begin enjoying each other again intimately, not just physically but also emotionally

 ✓  Be motivated to work on your relationship with revived hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel

 ✓  Have goals, daily challenges, and proactive accountability to spur you on to victory

 ✓  Have more flirtation, laughter, frolicking, and frequent rushing upstairs for lay activities




We've put together a dynamic customized assessment in which you and your spouse will (separately) answer questions about your relationship. We'll use your answers to calculate scores for each of the four pillars of Total Intimacy and give you affirmation on the areas where you are strong and practical insight on aspects that need improvement. 

By identifying potential roadblocks in your relationship, you'll ultimately be able to:

 ✓  Discover real intimacy

✓  Eliminate shame

✓  Increase sexual fulfillment

✓ ​ Learn about real foreplay

✓  ​Enjoy every sexual experience with your spouse


If you're struggling anywhere close to what we experienced, like us you need a safe space, the support of qualified leaders whose goal is to help YOU succeed, and a community where you are "surrounded" by other couples who have the same goal that you have: to restore and revive your relationship.

This is precisely what you’ll find in our 30-Day Intimacy Challenge, which has transformed the marriages of dozens of couples this year! In this self-guided program, you will:

 ✓  Vastly improve your friendship and feel amazingly reconnected with your spouse

 ✓  Begin enjoying each other again intimately, not just physically but also emotionally

 ✓  Be motivated to work on your relationship with revived hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel

 ✓  Have goals, daily challenges, and proactive accountability to spur you on to victory

 ✓  Have more flirtation, laughter, frolicking, and frequent rushing upstairs for lay activities



We have taken our two decades of experience, both in counseling hundreds of couples and in navigating our own marriage, and created intimacy-boosting course packages and interactive workbooks to help spouses improve in each of the four areas of Total Intimacy. These training suites only form a small part of what’s available on-demand for all members of the 30-Day Intimacy Challenge. If you’re not quite ready to join and simply want to level up your relationship in one of these areas (hopefully you took our free intimacy assessment first and know where you and your spouse stand in each of these categories), you’ll get tremendous value with video modules, workbooks, and for a limited time, a host of added bonuses to help you discover how satisfying your intimacy and marriage can truly be!

Intimacy Through Radical Acceptance

In this course suite, you and your spouse will:

  •  Learn how to accept your partner's uniqueness as God-given assets instead of liabilities
  •  Recognize that God's unconditional love of your flawed self should encourage unconditional love of your flawed spouse
  •  Identify and curb your own superiority complexes and/or inadequacy issues which inhibit your ability to accept your partner
  •  Discover keys to investing effort and discipline into loving your spouse the way they need to be loved

Intimacy Through Communication

In this course suite, you and your spouse will:

  •  Learn the secrets to actively listening to your partner in a way that they know their feelings are both heard and valued
  •  Discover how to feel comfortable expressing your feelings without the fear of judgment
  •  ​Recognize the value of conflict and learn how to argue in a way that brings about peaceful solutions and opens up intimacy
  •  Understand keys to overcoming gridlocked conflict

Intimacy Through Real Foreplay

In this course suite, you and your spouse will:

  •  Discover the "foreplay of choreplay," where identifying and fulfilling roles and responsibilities of each spouse improves physical intimacy.
  •  Learn the Bible method of mutual submission and how it translates to higher sexual fulfillment
  •  ​Embrace strategies for showing respect and love towards each other and gauging how well you are maintaining both
  •  ​Discuss household activities and fill out an included chart indicating who is in charge of each component

Intimacy Through Physical Oneness

In this course suite, you and your spouse will:

  •  Discover that sexual fulfillment is a God-ordained job description
  •  Learn how to make your spouse feel happy, connected, and desired outside of the bedroom
  •  Understand the effects of low physical AND emotional intimacy on each spouse
  •  ​Discover what it truly means to be one flesh with your spouse and how to turn sex into the beautiful gift that God created it to be


Christ-Roi & Abdelle

“This has been great! Definitely provided insights into things we didn’t even know were problems! Very well organized with a biblical view. Awesome!"

Horace & Joscelyn

“This was one of the most important things we've done as a couple!  It helped us to get back to being more intentional not just in what we say to each other but what we do.  It allowed us to be more transparent about our intimacy and better communicate with each other.”

Brandon & Sofia

“Your communication will get better and deeper. If you do it together and both are invested in growing your intimacy, it will happen. You will learn about each other in ways that may really surprise you. Be prepared for stretching and growth.”

Davis & Shenise

“John and April do a great job of giving tips AND great examples. Everything is included, they literally show you how to do everything! The daily challenges really leveled up our relationship in various ways. It was fun and helped open conversations that may have been avoided and can now be visited in a more safe, loving, and committed environment."

DeVonne & Chris

We got our money's worth in the first week! The conversations generated by the course videos, motivational sessions, and daily challenges were refreshing and beneficial. If you're looking for a fun and practical way to build a better marriage, give this boot camp a try!"

Jennifer & Sam

“It helped us to better understand the spiritual side of marriage and how it affects your whole marriage and well-being. We love how it catered to our busy lives. It is very important to try to participate in the daily challenges and the Facebook group to stay connected with the tasks. They do work and make you aware of what you can do to better your relationship."


Christ-Roi & Abdelle

“This has been great! Definitely provided insights into things we didn’t even know were problems! Very well organized with a biblical view. Awesome!"

Horace & Joscelyn

“This was one of the most important things we've done as a couple!  It helped us to get back to being more intentional not just in what we say to each other but what we do.  It allowed us to be more transparent about our intimacy and better communicate with each other.”

Brandon & Sofia

“Your communication will get better and deeper. If you do it together and both are invested in growing your intimacy, it will happen. You will learn about each other in ways that may really surprise you. Be prepared for stretching and growth.”

Davis & Shenise

“John and April do a great job of giving tips AND great examples. Everything is included, they literally show you how to do everything! The daily challenges really leveled up our relationship in various ways. It was fun and helped open conversations that may have been avoided and can now be visited in a more safe, loving, and committed environment."

DeVonne & Chris

We got our money's worth in the first week! The conversations generated by the course videos, motivational sessions, and daily challenges were refreshing and beneficial. If you're looking for a fun and practical way to build a better marriage, give this boot camp a try!"

Jennifer & Sam

“It helped us to better understand the spiritual side of marriage and how it affects your whole marriage and well-being. We love how it catered to our busy lives. It is very important to try to participate in the daily challenges and the Facebook group to stay connected with the tasks. They do work and make you aware of what you can do to better your relationship."


John and April are relationship coaches, content creators, and cohosts of the Just John and April Relationship Podcast. They have been coaching couples for as long as they’ve been married—over 20 years—and are committed to helping couples who struggle with connection to fire up their intimacy.  They have two teenaged children: John III (16) and Julia (13). John is a pastor and April is a middle school teacher.


Are You Ready to Better Your Marriage?

Sign Up For 30 Day Intimacy Challenge Today